Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chicken Parmessan & Spaghetti

Last night i made dinner for everyone here at home. However i think maybe i should have waited till at least tonight or maybe tomorrow night for Sunday dinner because The only ones who were at home last night was myself and Bryan's brother Greg. Bryan's mom had to work and Bryan was working and after work he went to visit some friends. oops!! but, that's okay in any case I believe the Chicken Parmessan & Spaghetti i made i believe turned out real well.
I also had s ready made salad mix so there are leftovers.

I found the recipie i used when i got some coupons in the mail and sometimes there are some recipies enclosed.

I had never made Chicken Parmessan before. I was so proud of myself.


  1. Congrats, that sounds like a yummy dinner. You'll have to make that again real soon.

    Bobbie Anne

  2. Way to go--when I used to make Chicken Parm invariably I would either burn the cheese or dry out the chicken! AND leftovers are always good!

  3. I am glad it went well - am glad you got that in your mail :)
